Heart-Centered Energy Healing

Heart-Centered Energy Healing

heart centered meditation

My daily practice for over ten years is heart-centering.  I use this as a daily ritual, which helps me to center and open, connecting with the Divine, with my inner guidance and with the heart center – where all is welcome, where the energy of the upper and lower chakras meet and there is no judgment.  I also use it when I’m in a situation where I feel off-balance, or fearful,  or where my ego/emotional self is in control, in a way that is not serving me. It always brings me back to the heart center, to a place of calm, compassionate, grace.

I love this practice because it is simple, anyone can do it, and it is very powerful and effective.

Begin by placing your right hand over your heart chakra and place your left hand over your right, with your thumbs meeting above.  See and feel your crown chakra open, at the top of your head, connecting with the divine energies of the sky, the heavens, the cosmos, the masculine…and now see and feel your root chakra open, at the base of your spine, connecting with the divine energies of the earth, the feminine/nurturing aspects.  Bring these divine energies up from the earth and down from the heavens into your body, meeting at the heart and then flowing down your arms and out your hands.  It then flows back into your heart in a beautiful circle…You can also visualize this energy flowing out your hands to others around the world, or place your hands on another person’s body to send them this healing energy.

The mantra to focus on while doing this are the four qualities of the heart center, as taught to me, and countless others by Dr. Brugh Joy:  Supernal Compassion, Innate Harmony, Healing Presence, Unconditional Love and Selfless Service.  Simply repeating these words, contemplating their truth, and bringing their essence into your being will change your experience of life.


Self Care and Self Healing

How to take care of yourself when you are facing an infection…

After a long day of travel from Tucson, Arizona to Moloka’i, Hawai’i, and another day of waiting for our friend’s delayed arrival, I was tired.  I felt well, though, and was surprised to find after a late dinner that my tooth was quite painful.  When I felt around, it was actually my gum and the tooth below the gum line that was painful, and made me think it might be the beginnings of an infection.

My first thought was that with all the travel, and the busyness of preparing to facilitate two healing retreats, my immune system was probably low.  At the same time, while I was feeling my tooth and gum, I started doing Reiki.  Since I was first initiated with a Reiki attunement 9 years ago, that’s always my first response to pain, injury, or signs of illness – do Reiki.  That started to help immediately, as it always does, bringing healing energy and touch to the pain on the surface.  I placed my 4 fingertips on my cheek along the gum and jaw on the side that was sore, and could feel the pain start to melt.

My mind jumped to the guests that were arriving the next day, and my desire to be completely physically and mentally present for the next few days of facilitating our healing retreat.  I did not want to be dealing with a tooth infection – not having to go to a new dentist who I didn’t know, nor recovering from pain and the stress of being sick.  I used my Life Coaching skills and shifted my thoughts to positive ones, seeing myself feeling completely well and pain-free.  Getting clear in myself that this was a time for taking care of my body, so that I would then be able to serve my clients in the ways that would serve their greatest and highest good.

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Holistic Nutritional Support

I am posting this letter I received from my dear friend, wise woman Kathleen Bowman, along with a link to a message from the Hathors as channeled by Tom Kenyon, with his commentary.  This came soon after the tsunami in Japan created a massive distribution of radioactive particles in our air, water and therefore food.  This continues today, with little to no mention of this in the mainstream media.

From Kathleen Bowman on March 18, 2011:

“I am sending this to all my friends on the coastal areas that may begin to experience some radiation fall-out as soon as today. Whether or not you have been working with the Hathor material or not, this offers a simple, and self sustainable process to engage that will only increase your capacity for holding health or healing. Whatever your perception of this material might be, you may want to lay that aside in favor of healing in these times and as the Hathors have pointed out this is only the beginning of the need to know ways in which to hold our consciousness such that we are the highest possible vibration for ourselves and those around us. Read more