Transitions and Acceptance

Dear Ones,
My older daughter, Elizabeth Blue, made her transition September 23, after a year long journey with cancer, and she did so while being showered with love and in a radiant state of grace. It is heartbreaking and we are finding moments of joy in this time of grieving.

Lucia Maya with Elizabeth Blue

Elizabeth Blue and Lucia Maya

It feels overwhelmingly sad, and when I’m present in each moment I come to a place of peace and acceptance of what is. We are truly blessed to have had this time of graceful passage with her, and for so many of our family and friends to be close by. It does feel like she is at peace, making her way in the realms of those who have recently left this earthly plain.

I will not be scheduling individual clients or classes for the time being.  I have been on hiatus while caring for my daughter, and am now taking some time for my own healing, being with friends and family, and doing some travel.  I have been writing and will be creating a new blog that will incorporate my process over the last year with my daughter, and Elizabeth Blue’s writing as well.

I will begin seeing clients again in November, starting on a part-time basis.

If you are interested in attending our Hawaii retreat, the dates are set for December 6 to 11, and promises to be a deep journey into the Hawaiian healing energies.

I send you all a radiance of love and wish for you a showering of divine grace at this time of collective and personal growth.

blessings and love,


Guest Blogger Jillian McKee on Nutrition

I’m happy to be sharing a guest blog post today on the benefits of eating healthy during and after a diagnosis of any kind of cancer. There are many philosophies and viewpoints on this, and I will be sharing some additional perspectives soon, such as the healing benefits of raw food.

In the words of Jillian McKee:

Why is Nutrition Important for Cancer Patients?

“Battling cancer is difficult, but good nutrition can help the body fight the disease and help the patient return to good health during remission. Eating well before, during and after cancer treatment can help patients feel better overall, reduce fatigue, boost energy and strength, decrease one’s risk of infection and help patients recover and heal quickly.

Eating well means consuming a range of foods that provide the body with the nutrients it needs to maintain good health and functioning. These nutrients include carbohydrates, water, vitamins, fat, protein and minerals.

Read more

Essence of Reiki

A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of giving a Reiki session to a wonderful 7 year old boy.  He’d not heard of Reiki before, though he was very open to receiving it.  As I was talking to him, I was asking for guidance for the best way to explain to a child the essence of Reiki, and what came through clearly is: “I am bringing God’s love through me, to you.” That is truly at the heart of how I see and feel Reiki and what I offer.  He seemed to understand that.

After about 2 minutes of some wiggling on my table, this very active and animated 7 year old feel deeply asleep, and stayed completely out for the next half hour, while he received this healing gift.  It was so wonderful that his mother thought to bring him, as he’d had the recent trauma of losing his beloved grandfather to an unexpected and violent death.  Receiving the a Reiki treatment so soon after this sad experience will serve him well, as he will be able to experience and express his grief, but not hold on to it and allow it to create trauma in his body, as we often do.

I love being able to offer this healing modality!  Let me know if you are interested in trying a session!