Gratitude for 7 Years of Oneness Blessing Circles in Tucson

I am delighted to be moving to Makawao, on Maui in just a few short weeks, on March 1, so I had our last Oneness Blessing Circle in our home in Tucson, Arizona 2 nights ago.  It was filled with love, gratitude, tears, joy, laughter, sweet friendships and connections, and so many blessings… the same as every other Weekly Wednesday Oneness Circle has been for nearly 7 years!  There are wonderful memories to carry us forward, and the divine grace of the Oneness Blessing will stay with each of us, no matter where we are. I am forever blessed and grateful for this community.

Oneness Blessing Givers,

Long-time Oneness Blessing Givers: Carla, Lucia, Breeze, Cindy, Angel and Walid

Here are some long-time Deeksha Givers who have all brought so much to this circle (Kat and Jon Michael were missing from the photo, and as dedicated Oneness Trainers have each done so much as well) – there are so many more of you, and I thank you all!  Notice the purple light/orb right above our heads!





Deeksha, Oneness Blessing

Deeksha Circle, 2013

Deeksha, Oneness Blessing

Deeksha Circle, 2013

Deeksha, Oneness Blessing

Deeksha Circle, 2013

Fortunately, there are several options to continue to receive Deeksha in Tucson: If you’d like to be updated about other Oneness Events in Tucson, please join the Facebook Group Oneness Tucson for the most accurate and current updates.  You can also join this Meetup: Awaken Tucson Into Oneness   and you can email Kat Reinhardt (also currently in India!) to be put on the email list to receive updates about Tucson Oneness Events!

If you are on Maui, I will be coordinating with others who offer the Oneness Blessing on Maui and plan to offer a weekly circle in our home there, starting mid-March! I look forward to meeting you there. Please sign up for my newsletter for the day, time and address.

I will be expanding my hours available for Distant Reiki Transformational Healing Sessions once I’m on Maui, beginning the first week of March!  I’ll be offering a special rate for anyone who books a Distant Healing session for the first time and will continue to offer my monthly Free Distant Healing sessions by phone every 3rd Tuesday. The next one is Feb. 18!

Zelie and I will be offering more Spiritual Retreats in Hawaii, and will be sending out an update soon but we do have spaces available for our May and August dates – please let us know asap if you are interested in either of those, or our June 7/8 Seattle workshop. Thank you!

A hui hou – until we meet again…
love and blessings,

Lucia Maya interviewed about Deeksha, the Oneness Blessing


I hope you enjoy this 15 minute interview Stephen Hall conducted with me about Deeksha, the Oneness Blessing and how it has had a profound impact on my own transformation!

Nayana – Eye Deeksha with Sri Bhagavan

this is a beautiful video with about one minute of Eye Deeksha with Bhagavan…enjoy!