Reiki Attunement and the 21 Day Integration Process

Reiki Masters
Usui, Hayashi and Takata
I hear from many of my Reiki students about some of the physical and emotional challenges they face after a Reiki Attunement. These can be greatly helped with Reiki self-treatments during the 21 day process of integration following a Reiki class.
There are incredible gifts that come from Reiki, and there are sometimes physical symptoms that occur while the body, mind and heart are releasing old memories and blockages. Please continue to give yourself Reiki and trust the process – I am certain you will receive more benefits than you can imagine! There is at least a 21 Day clearing and integration process that follows the attunements, so be patient.
This is also a very intense time on the planet, with more to come, so those who are sensitive to the collective tensions and mood will likely be experiencing quite a bit of intensity! And Reiki can help with that as well.
Physical Challenges and Healing with Reiki
The physical challenges (a few students wrote that they were experiencing colds, some achiness, and headaches) are not surprising after the Reiki One Attunement – it really can loosen and release lots of old physical, cellular stuff, as well as emotional. As this clearing takes place, it can cause physical symptoms, pain, grief or other emotions to come up… It’s important to continue giving yourself Reiki every day, even if only a few minutes, but as much as possible. This will help to shake loose any old energies that are no longer serving, open up blockages and bring healing to those deep core issues. Make sure to drink PLENTY of water to help your body to move it through on the physical level as well.
Many students who take the Reiki Level One class report changes in relationships, letting go of situations that are no longer serving, and deep healing of long-time pain and illness. I believe it is from each of you doing your work in clearing and moving forward so that you may be able to shine your light even brighter and affect more people with your beautiful heart! Please also continue taking care of your physical body in the ways that feel right for you – getting a full Reiki treatment from another practitioner, acupuncture and other energy work can be very helpful in the process.
much love and many blessings,
Essential Oil Research and Review
Consumers Advocate, a review site with no affiliation to any essential oil company, recently spent over 600 hours researching the essential oil industry. They focused on the top-selling essential oil companies on the market today. In sending 33 unmarked bottles to the Aromatic Plant Research Center in Utah, USA – their goal was to provide impartial results for oils based on Quality and Testing, Consumer Education, Safety, and Sustainable Sourcing. If you are interested in taking a look at their comparisons, you can find it here.
Helpful Information about Essential Oils –
Here is a link to some wonderful information on the safety, risks and benefits of essential oils.
Reiki Healing for You
Reiki Healing for You
Reiki Healing from Lucia Maya on Vimeo.
Lucia Maya shares Reiki energy healing. Simply watching this short video will bring this healing energy to you, for mind, body, heart and spirit. Reiki helps to relieve stress and promotes relaxation. It is a divine energy with no limitations of time and space, and though spiritual, is not a religion.
Reiki One Class and Attunement Integration
Reiki Attunement and the 21 Day Integration Process
Reiki Masters
Usui, Hayashi and Takata
I hear from many of my Reiki students about some of the physical and emotional challenges they face after a Reiki Attunement. These can be greatly helped with Reiki self-treatments during the 21 day process of integration following a Reiki class.
There are incredible gifts that come from Reiki, and there are sometimes physical symptoms that occur while the body, mind and heart are releasing old memories and blockages. Please continue to give yourself Reiki and trust the process – I am certain you will receive more benefits than you can imagine! There is at least a 21 Day clearing and integration process that follows the attunements, so be patient.
This is also a very intense time on the planet, with more to come, so those who are sensitive to the collective tensions and mood will likely be experiencing quite a bit of intensity! And Reiki can help with that as well.
Physical Challenges and Healing with Reiki
The physical challenges (a few students wrote that they were experiencing colds, some achiness, and headaches) are not surprising after the Reiki One Attunement – it really can loosen and release lots of old physical, cellular stuff, as well as emotional. As this clearing takes place, it can cause physical symptoms, pain, grief or other emotions to come up… It’s important to continue giving yourself Reiki every day, even if only a few minutes, but as much as possible. This will help to shake loose any old energies that are no longer serving, open up blockages and bring healing to those deep core issues. Make sure to drink PLENTY of water to help your body to move it through on the physical level as well.
Many students who take the Reiki Level One class report changes in relationships, letting go of situations that are no longer serving, and deep healing of long-time pain and illness. I believe it is from each of you doing your work in clearing and moving forward so that you may be able to shine your light even brighter and affect more people with your beautiful heart! Please also continue taking care of your physical body in the ways that feel right for you – getting a full Reiki treatment from another practitioner, acupuncture and other energy work can be very helpful in the process.
much love and many blessings,