Healing Retreats

Hawaii spiritual retreats, healing retreat, Hawaii healing retreat, Molokai spiritual retreat,

West End Molokai (photo: Barbara Williams)

with Lucia Maya

Custom retreats available! Please email to request dates

“That was hands down one of the best experiences of my life!” – MGH

“This was wonderful from beginning to end, and then even after all that!” – SJ

In a Healing Spiritual Retreat we invite transformation, and work with a variety of modalities to support you in being present, finding peace and living your most authentic life.

Making transformation conscious is an art. It opens us to the realms of the mystics, the deeper, more mature layers of life, and we become active participants in our transformational process.

I bring a great deal of personal experience with transformations – large and small. I have found ways to move through huge transitions and loss, and remain joyful and connected to life. It takes conscious awareness, and an intimate connection to life and source energies. I would love to share with you some of the tools I find useful and life-changing in living with the depth and richness of my experiences. All that I do begins with the heart center, and I include inquiry with The Work (of Byron Katie), ritual, ceremony, meditation, energy work and more.

I look forward to being in sacred circle with you.

Contact Lucia by email to inquire about a custom private retreat, or call/text 808-866-8246

Custom Healing Retreats

Baldwin Beach, Maui, Hawaii spiritual retreats, healing retreat, Hawaii healing retreat, Molokai spiritual retreat,

Individual, couples and small group Spiritual Retreats. You receive the healing energies of this sacred, beautiful land, with time each day for customized healing sessions, facilitated by Lucia Maya.

Contact Lucia to schedule your Healing Retreat.

“Thank you so very much for all your inspiration, support and kindness over the last 10 days. It’s been such a important journey of discovery and enlightenment. I have quite a bit to process, and it feels good to be going home with more tools to support myself.” – AD, Maui Retreat participant

Baldwin Beach, Maui

I am awesomely blessed with so much love and abundance. So much of it, I feel, is from my blessing and body work from you and Zelie and Moloka’i, and Mother Earth, and Ocean Waters.  My trip to Hawaii was completely, totally, and absolutely Healing. Mahalo, Mahalo, Mahalo.” – K.B., massage therapist at Canyon Ranch

The time was more than I imagined and then some...I have been enthusiastically telling others of the beauty and magic, and love (healing) of you and Zelie, and of Moloka’i and the whole Aloha energy.  Thank you, I have been deeply blessed. I’d love to do it again as well.” – K. E.

Please contact me by email or by phone at at 808-866-8246 for details and to reserve your spot!

Each retreat is unique, depending on the constellation of the group, the theme, the time of year, and what is wanting to come through.  Many participants return to explore other layers of themselves and heal more deeply.

For individuals or couples custom retreats, please contact me for costs. 

Details:  all Retreats are custom created for you

Cost is based on Lucia’s hourly rate, and depends on number of sessions you choose.

You will need to arrange for your own accommodations (I can recommend a range of options close by) and renting a car is essential to buy food, and if you’d like to explore on your own time.
50% estimated non-refundable deposit due upon registration, balance due 30 days prior to your retreat.

Facilitated by Lucia Maya
To register:  contact Lucia at 808-866-8246  or Email Lucia

Mahalo (thank you) Lucia for offering and facilitating the Hawaiian Immersion Retreat; it was amazingly profound. The presence and energies of the place were an integral part of the experience. The beautiful Hale Maluhia (House of Serenity) and the energy of whale and mo’o (gecko) supported our work. 

Some exciting changes since I have returned include a greater sense of clarity, being more in tune with my intuition and a greater flow in my creativity. I also started recalling my dreams as I used to. I anticipate that the Hawaiian Immersion Retreat will continue to make big shifts in my life. Again, mahalo!” ~ ER, Grantwriter/Shamanic Practitioner/Reiki Master