Holistic Nutritional Support

I am posting this letter I received from my dear friend, wise woman Kathleen Bowman, along with a link to a message from the Hathors as channeled by Tom Kenyon, with his commentary.  This came soon after the tsunami in Japan created a massive distribution of radioactive particles in our air, water and therefore food.  This continues today, with little to no mention of this in the mainstream media.

From Kathleen Bowman on March 18, 2011:

“I am sending this to all my friends on the coastal areas that may begin to experience some radiation fall-out as soon as today. Whether or not you have been working with the Hathor material or not, this offers a simple, and self sustainable process to engage that will only increase your capacity for holding health or healing. Whatever your perception of this material might be, you may want to lay that aside in favor of healing in these times and as the Hathors have pointed out this is only the beginning of the need to know ways in which to hold our consciousness such that we are the highest possible vibration for ourselves and those around us. Read more