First Aid with Reiki and Remedies that Work

Healing an Injured Knee

This weekend I had a couple of small “accidents” that made me so grateful for my home first aid kit and Reiki!  Saturday, while walking my dog Tilly, I tripped and landed with full force on my left knee.  I knew it could be serious, as I felt it swelling quickly. I sat down immediately and applied Reiki directly for about 5 minutes, until I could feel the pain and inflammation recede. My sweet little dog was confused, but after a minute lay down in front of me and waited.  We were able to continue our walk, though I made it a short one.  I mostly rested it that day, and took Arnica homeopathic remedy as soon as I got home to help relieve the swelling and bruising.  I also took Rescue Remedy, a flower essence that is excellent for any physical or emotional trauma or stress.  It helped my body release the trauma quickly, so the healing can begin quickly.

I continued to give Reiki to my knee off and on all day, iced it, and took Arnica 30C a few more times before bed. When I woke the next morning, I had no pain at all!  I could see and feel a bruise where I’d landed, but I could tell it was mostly healed already and that it would continue to resolve easily.

Remedies to Keep on Hand

  • Rescue Remedy – I carry a bottle of drops in my purse, have one in my medicine cabinet, and always travel with it as well. It is invaluable for any situation where you have a physical trauma (accident, cut, burn, fall…) and for an emotional stress or trauma as well (frightening news, an accident, any kind of shock, etc) Costs about $10-15/bottle.
  • Arnica 30c Homeopathic Remedy – this is excellent for anything involving bruising or swelling, especially if you start when you first become aware of it.  It can be taken if you sprain or strain a muscle, fall or have an accident with any force, before and after many medical or dental procedures (surgery, tooth removal, etc.)  Costs about $10-15/bottle.
  • Flexible frozen ice pack – you can reuse these flexible ice packs endlessly. It helps when you need to apply ice to a curved part of the body, which applies to most parts! If you don’t have one in the freezer, frozen vegetables work well too (peas, corn…) Costs about $5-10 for a reusable ice pack.
  • Reiki! Once you have taken a Reiki class and are attuned, you have the healing energies of Reiki available to you forever.  This universal healing force is available at all times, at no cost and has amazing abilities to bring healing on the emotional, physical and spiritual levels.  The sooner a trauma is addressed, the easier and faster it is to heal.  See here for more about learning Reiki to use for healing yourself and others.
  • Lavender Essential Oil – this is an all around fabulous healing oil for so many things! It is excellent applied directly to the skin for burns, small scrapes and bug bites.  It also helps to relax, can be used at bedtime to calm and create a relaxed environment for sleep. It’s an adaptogen, meaning it will give you what you need, so if you need to wake up and have more energy, it can help with that as well. Therapeutic grade, organic essential oils are important – Young Living is one brand I use and recommend.  See here for more about using Essential Oils. To order Young Living brand essential oils, sign up as a member and use my member number: 553228.
  • Coconut Oil – this is excellent for the skin, for soothing and moisturizing dry skin.  It’s a good soothing, healing oil, useful for burns and small cuts and I’ve known people to use it for healing tattoos too. I also use it for cooking and put a big spoonful in my morning smoothie, as it has so many health benefits I can’t list them all here.  I like to use organic, raw and unrefined coconut oil. If you don’t  like the coconut smell and taste, you can use the refined coconut oil on your skin or in cooking.

Healing a Burn

The next evening, I was hungry and in a hurry, and reached in to the (hot!) toaster to retrieve a small piece of delicious nut/seed bread. Somehow my thumb pressed onto a burning hot piece of metal, and I leapt back quickly. I immediately stuck it under running cold water, as my thumb had searing pain. i could tell right away this was a worse burn than I’ve had before from just quickly touching a rack in the oven, as the cold water didn’t begin to take away the burning sensation.

Next, I got an ice cube wrapped in a clean paper towel and applied that, while I went to get my Lavender Essential Oil. I applied a couple drops of Lavender Oil directly to the area – I could see the skin raised and red about a half inch long.  It started to cool and the pain started to subside.  Again, I took Rescue Remedy, as when we have physical pain, our body registers it as trauma and shock.  I gave Reiki around my thumb, without touching the skin since it was tender, and continued off and on whenever it started to heat up. About an hour later it was much better, but still burning when I took off the ice, and I was concerned about being able to sleep comfortably.  I put another drop of Lavender EO on it, and also some pure coconut oil, which brought some soothing relief.

I gave Reiki to my thumb and did a full Reiki treatment on myself before going to sleep.  I do this most days anyway, but felt it was especially important after these two separate accidents! I clearly wasn’t being very present and aware in my movement, and an overall Reiki treatment helps me get more grounded, more relaxed, and more “in” my body.

When I woke the next morning, I had NO pain, and it was still a tiny bit red and raised, but MUCH less than the night before.  Today, the second day, it looks like this, and it’s hard to see.

healing, Reiki, essential oils, home remedies,

One day later, the burn is almost completely healed!

I hope these simple remedies are helpful to you! They’ve been my daily companions for many years and I am so grateful to have them. I’d love to hear if you would share your own remedies that you find especially helpful.

Tips to Start a Successful Healing Practice

Several of my students and clients have asked for some tips to start a successful healing practice, as Reiki pracitioners, massage therapists, life coaches, and other forms of the healing arts.  These are some practical strategies I have used to create a successful Energy Healing Practice, that I am sharing in the hope they can help you as well!

I always recommend starting where you are – meaning while you still have your day job(s), begin your healing work. Don’t wait for every single thing to line up and be “perfect”, because that may never happen!

Create a space you want to work in, either at home or you can rent a space just a day or two a week, etc… but if you can do it from home, I’d recommend that.  You could start by traveling to the clients, bringing your own table.  It adds quite a bit of driving time, and you have to deal with their environment, but if that works for you, that can be fine too.  If it’s from your home, create a space that you love, that feels safe, relaxing, peaceful and healing.  It could be in your living room or an extra bedroom – be creative.  It can be a space that has multiple uses, initially, as long as you can easily make it feel like a calm and safe environment when you have a client coming.

Advertise and Spread the Word

Next, start putting it out there that you are taking clients – maybe working with friends and family first, going to Reiki shares, etc.  You’ll need to make a business card that says (in words) and shows (images) the feeling of who you are and what you want to project and who you want to attract.  You can keep it simple and use a template from Vista Print or similar, and you don’t have to make it a huge project – just tune in to your vision, and ask your guides if you need help with the wording or image.  If you have the funds, you can also hire a graphic designer to create the look and feel you want. I have the names of people I can recommend.


When you are ready, you’ll also need a website, and again, it can be simple.  You can create one yourself, through WordPress or similar, or if you’re not at all tech savvy, hire someone to create one, and it can be just 2 or 3 pages to start, creating a presence of who you are, what you offer, what your skills are and relevant training, including any educational background, etc.  Find sites that you like, take note of what you don’t like as well, tune into sites that draw you in and are more than just attractive, but would actually make you feel you can trust that person and want to work with her/him.  Then incorporate what you like, using your own unique expression of who you are and what you can offer to another.


Advertising is important at some point, letting people know you exist and the universe know you are ready….In Tucson, Natural Awakenings is the main source of healers and spiritual type of resources, but you could focus on another audience such as an upscale one in another publication, and seek out other resources in your community as well.

You don’t need to do all these at once, and maybe you won’t even need a website or ads. Take your time and allow for this to evolve naturally, without forcing, but also with taking some action.  It is a balancing act of allowing, and inviting… Some people do well with just word of mouth, but most of us need more. gratitude, love, tips to start a successful healing practice

Set the Intention

Last, but very important, is prayer/intention/petitioning to your guides, the divine, the universe… I ask that I be in service in the ways that will serve the divine, my clients and students, and my own soul as well, with grace and ease.  I ask that I work with clients who will be able to receive, acknowledge and appreciate the gifts that I have to offer, and who are ready and willing to do their own work, and to heal and transform.  I ask for clients/students who can easily afford my services.  I ask to be in the greatest service possible, to be the clearest possible channel for the divine teachings, healing and guidance that can come through me…  You’ll find your own way of asking.   I do sometimes forget, and notice that I’m seeing fewer clients, or that I’m drawing clients who are not a great fit, (though that hasn’t happened for quite a while) and it’s a reminder to get clear about what I want and need, and ask for it.  It’s important to me to be clear, while also allowing for even greater possibilities.

All you really need is the confidence and trust and you will soar.  I am in total support and am so excited to see and hear about your blossoming!

Incorporating Young Living Essential Oils with Energy Healing

Incorporating Essential Oils with Energy Healing

I use essential oils because they work synergistically with the Reiki energies, on all levels, body, mind, heart and spirit.  There are some Young Living therapeutic oil blends  I use on my hands while treating almost everyone, such as:

  • Valor: I begin and end with this one (on myself in my morning ritual as well!) on the head, because it helps to balance the body, the right and left hemispheres of the brain, the masculine and feminine aspects of ourselves; it helps to ground and center, anchoring us to the earth plane, providing a foundation so we can soar.
  • White Angelica: I almost always use this next, on the shoulders and over the entire aura (outer energy field of the body), as it’s excellent for providing support and protection from the unseen realms, the angelic forces, and our guiding spirits and animal and plant allies.  It helps to clear and protect the aura of anything that will no longer serve.

There are several other Young Living blends that I use based on my intuition combined with the information presented by the client when we talk, including:

  • Peace and Calming: this is excellent for anyone who is stressed, dealing with anxiety, and for most of us who are so busy, moving and thinking quickly most of our waking hours.  It helps the nervous system to relax and unwind, and allows the mind to become more quiet.
  • Release: I use this for both physical and emotional release.  It is helpful when someone is holding on to emotions, afraid or unable to access them or let them be expressed and released; it is also wonderful for dealing with physical tension, tightness and stress.
  • Harmony: this is excellent for balancing the chakras, bringing all the systems of the body and mind into perfect harmony, and helping the spirit body to integrate and absorb all that is being offered energetically.
  • Forgiveness:  works extremely well for issues of guilt, judgement, long-standing resentments and anger toward someone or something that’s happened in the past. Even with our best intentions, it is not always possible to move into a state of forgiveness, and this blend helps us heal in other realms, in ways we cannot easily do alone.  Transcending the anger and hurt and moving into forgiveness is a major piece of healing the whole being.
  • SARA: this oil blend is helpful when there has been childhood trauma, often sexual or physical trauma, creating energetic blocks that may be contributing to pain and illness.  It gently helps to release and heal those past hurts, so that we can move forward toward acceptance, forgiveness and wholeness.
  • Joy: supports anyone in moving into greater states of joy and love, and can be especially helpful for those dealing with grief, anxiety and depression.

I’d love to hear if you have specific issues that you’d like to explore healing with essential oils. Let me know if I can answer questions or support you in any way!

To order Young Living Essential Oils, sign up to become a member here, and use my member number 553228.